Hello World

On Aug. 28th 1996, Tiger Woods spoke two simple words that changed golf and golf marketing, forever: “Hello World.” While this blog has nothing to do with golf and might not change the world, we will embark on a journey of our own, to educate and enlighten our readers and to alter the preconceptions that many already have on that big scary word, “Insurance”,
more specifically the topics of Life Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance and Disability Insurance. We will discuss and show you, why these financial products and concepts, can be and should be an integral part to everyone’s financial plan/portfolio. The internet is filled with information, that doesn’t mean its always good information, so it’s our goal to take a deeper dive into the world of insurance, to present clear and concise ideas, along with explanations in a way that anyone can pick up and be comfortable applying to their life.

We can’t wait to start this journey, let the fun begin!!!!!

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